Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rainy Days Season

It has finally come to this time of the year.

Rainy days season.

Days where you wake up to a cloudy sky and the nicest thing to do is to curl in your bed, snuggle in your warm blanket. Four pm, rather than being productive or sitting in the car waiting fro red to turn to green, I am here writing blog, looking at the raindrops falling and listening to One Direction's Little Things.

Many would belittle them for they are boyband which have its own stereotype. But I find most of their songs comforting and loving. Especially little things. It gives the feeling of incredibly loved. Women try their best to look perfect and be perfect, but this song shows how the little things that women hates are the best things that are endlessly loved. Simply, this song makes a girl feel loved and beautiful. The two adjectives a girl should feel and be reminded. A perfect song to listen to while curling up and cuddling with your pillow. If you listen deeply like I do, you'd find yourself smiling sheepishly through each words. :}

As the sun would be pretty much hidden by the clouds, my sunflowers are ready to take its place. The shoots are showing already. I saw this sunflower plant set in the store and I thought, I could use some green in my room. Other than that, I would find something to live for. Every day, looking for the shoot to grow, watching it grow taller, trying my best to keep it strong and loving the yellow flowers. Just like Izibor's song Mmm that I sing to it every day, it makes everything so simple in this crazy world. It's quite good to see that beautiful thing can grow without a fuss. So beautiful and so simple. Reminding me not to be too bullied by life, as life itself is simple.  My sunflowers are becoming one of the reason to live, number two after my future child.

Although I should be preparing my informative speech about the ugly truth of the Vietnam war and study five chapters of of Introduction to Communication, I feel that I need to get out of the cruel pictures and the deep thoughts about perception and way of communicating to give time to myself and pour out the thoughts in my head.

The car's wipers, however, is not set up for the rainy days season. It's wobbly and weak. Probably representing the driver. I wish it has more strength, and I wish for the same thing for me. I wish my breaths won't be too short after walking up the stairs. I wish I could do all the things I wanted and not getting out of energy. But since the rainy days season has arrived, let's stop all the wishing, sit back, and relax.

Wherever you are, I wish you feel as peaceful as I do. Take Sunday as a perfect day to relax not a remorseful day before Monday.

"I'm in love with you, and all these little things."

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