Sunday, November 29, 2009


I want to go to science class. Though I should face my extremely bad but needed enemy, physics. Hate it cause it's so complicated!whether it's really hard or 'someone' turn it into hard one!
Tomorrow is my physics final exam.I'm really not in the mood to learn physics. With its linear motion and sin cos tan!ugh ugh ugh!it's just so so so so puh-lease!
That's why now I'm blogging instead of sticking my 15 y.o eyes to the paper and start to memorize it! Come on, why should this beba hard one? Maybe next year if I'm in science class, I hafta burn all of thios and drink it with water!
Acceleration = delta V / delta t
Ckckck.that's the most basic one for a grade 10 students.HERE.the greatest obstacles to my lovely life in the middle of money or love is PHYSICS!
To everyone who read this, I BEG you, pray for me to pass my PHYSICS.
Now let's study cause I don't want my mom to yell at my do re mi fa sol's score.


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