iloveyoufull incredible people ;]
Airplanes fly in the air. Air help them to fly. Air mislead them. Air make them move. Air lost them.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
first stage of sadness : denial
i was just watching a movie titled, " The Bucket List " and then one of them told to the other one "You are in the stage one."
"What stage one you mean?"
"The first stage of denial."
"Denial, anger, bargaining, dpression and acceptance. Denial."
" Yeah."

And now I am in that stage. The first stage of sadness a.k.a the first stage of grief. But really, it's not cause i lost something but because I'm denying love.
I am denying the love that i have and iit is a long way to the fifth stage, acceptance. i am trying so hard to avoid that stage.
I am avoiding to accept that love.
Monday, March 1, 2010
just tryna have fun :)
being at the school is only one boring day but having a computer lesson is one fun thig to do!
finish the task as fast as you can and then just surf the net and paly dinerdash,burger island,sally's, supermarket mania,
unfortunately, twiiter is prohibited.
but, speaking of twitter,just follow me @siscaspencer
so,gonna end the blogging before the teacher caught me!
long live HIGH SCHOOL :)
finish the task as fast as you can and then just surf the net and paly dinerdash,burger island,sally's, supermarket mania,
unfortunately, twiiter is prohibited.
but, speaking of twitter,just follow me @siscaspencer
so,gonna end the blogging before the teacher caught me!
long live HIGH SCHOOL :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
my little spot
around January, I was shocked by a Calling Letter for parents.
Yeah. My school gave it to me.
I knew what's happening. It's about the controversial picture and also some harsh(they said) comments.
Cause it was in my album, so i also gave a notice about that.
so,here it is.
I got a picture of a friend tagged in facebook, then he say something bad like, it sucks.
and then, an annoying junior (2 level lower than us) just yapped around and said, don't say sucks. i know your father's sucks but don't say it here. although your father's sucks.
and, around a week before it, my homeroom teacher just gave us a warn not to mock parents.
then after bal bla bla, some of us, from my class, were called to the counseling room and they want to call my parents cause i said, butt, your IQ is too low, also slap. so, they called my momma. thank God she understand the matter and only told me to talk better in facebook.
from that time, i know i don't have place to show what i feel. then, i focused on twitter, and now my relatives also my junior adding me so they knew what i said. then i don't know where is my spot where i could tell what i felt without the one who knows me knew. then i remember my blog. and here i am with lots of story :D
FYI, i love my blog :)
i can say anything i want and they won't know.
well, actually i post the address but, i think they don't care.hahaha!
it's like living in the world with a mask on.
Adapt!that's what they say. but i just can't get it. yeha, we are adapting. but for that 'scenes' only. what happen if the 'scene' changes? something would happen. what is that? a different thing! people called it hypocracy. but whether they realized it or not, they're doing it too. so which one is right??
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
photoshoot ;)

me and my two best friends did a photo shoot. here's the results. i think it's cool :)
it's not all cause the rest of it are still in jessica's camera. haha.but enjoy everybody!leave comments.
behind the scenes everybody!
immature creature pt II
today was the mid sem's exhausting we should run from my school building to the other building. with the traffic, i almost dead and flat like a dead frog i saw just now. well, never mind.
what i'm trying to say is, that immature creature didn't bug me at all. that made me happy. and the other thing that made me happy is that he won the first place in the sprint competition. i'm happy cause that made us the winner in this year's mid semester activity. got a trophy but i can't post the pics. due to the rules hat prohibited the studs to bring handphone,blackberry and stuff bla bla bla i can't take its pic.
back to the immature creature. until the end of the day, he can't end the day without fooling me around. he put my face inside an empty carton adn said it is my mask. and i chase him around the corridor and he went in to an empty room and his annoying friend lock us from the outside. great. thank God he only pull it not lock with keys, i can pull it, but seriously,
I HATE THOSE TWO CREATURE! they are like UPIN and IPIN but the evil version!!!!
then he kept bothering me but then a good friend helped me. FYI, my good friend won the dance comp. He's in the first place with my friends and he was the right?
i wish i could post some of my friends pic :) but not immature creature.ugh
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
lifechanging decision
yeah i know that changing your blog name isnm't a lifechanging decision. maybe when i reached age 20 (Ugh.can't imagine being old :( ) i'll change the name again
but just for you to know, i did this for you to know that i;m still a teenager and i;m pround of it.
by the way, two ambition that i have now, work in a publishing company and i hope i can be editor in chief ( is editor in chief works in publishing company?book publisher i mean), and i want to be a chef. so choose one. i can't . i love both of them. well, i don't know. my mom said, you should get your bachelor degree. i want my children to have 'tails' in their name like phd etc. so, what should i pursue?
immature racist part 1
hey, immature creature, congratulations! you got your own title. here, i'll tell the world a little something about you.
well, today, he didn't mock me at all. that made me a bit lost cause i don't know what has gotten into his mind. or maybe, he ate too much meds or he hasn't took any.
but one thing, maybe because yesterday, in the midst of the movie editing process which was done by me, my bf, and his bf ( a girl, but he's not into her) i ask his bf, what happen to him,does he has any grudge on me?since the first day, he mock me with no end. like calling me names and so on. and she said, what happen? why in a sudden your taking him up?we didn't talk anythiong related to him.
as far as i remember, i got no answer. well, maybe later that night, she told everything to that racist and guess what, maybe he was offended.
well, i don't really care. it's good to have no one bothering you. though i felt like something is missing. but i don't care. nuh-uh.
but the bad news is, i knew this would happen, his tongue must felt so itchy cause he didn't mock me. so at the end of the day, he was joking to his friend about lady gaga always wears halloween costume - i bet you ten bucks that he heard that from someone maybe his big sis - and he told his best friend that i was the one who always wear halloween costume and can't never take it off. duh. so lame.
i don't care.
you will hear from me again.soon i guess. :D
Saturday, February 20, 2010
la vie
life isn't about me only life isn't about me and you only but it's about all of us.
it is so freakin complicated.
full of problems.
full of pain and sorrow.
i guess life is not about smiling everyday but smiling after or before crying.
living a life is like going on a highway with a high speed. you could look back and see what you left or look forward and realized that you are getting closer.
yeah. getting closer. but for me, i don't know what thing get closer to me. my aim that's clear to me is only to have a good and happy family. make a better family than me. make sure that my children won't undergo what i've been through since i'm in my mama's womb. i will make sure that my child's tree's don't have a big and dark hole also scars.
my aim for now is only one: build a better family.
enemy to lovers
it's just like an urban legend enemies become lovers.
so lame i think.
if you fight a lot, they will say, you'll become lovers and hate and love are so close ya know.
bla bla bla ciap ciap ciap
not for me.
Friday, February 19, 2010
i know that all of my post are so long, but don't miss it because of that. why? because all of em are interesting. just stop by and look and maybe it will give you laughter :) i would be very happy if you read it and be lunatic if you left a comment or something in the cbox.
ps: sorry for grammatical mistakes. amateur. lols.
immature creature.
i'm pissed.
he really drives me crazy.
not because love, but because of hatred.
oops. not hatred. i did not hate him. i only dislike that boy.
a boy that never ever grow.
not peter pan.
well, they seems to have something alike.
they are on active, no too active boy.
this boy is so full of energy. his energy will be more than usual when he pisses someone off. one annoying guy. they said, annoying boy sometimes have a good side too. well,his good side sometimes appear but it's like an astronomical events. occur every longggg period.
he is one lunatic racist.
" I can see angels go down from heaven and camp around us"
that's what everyone says when he's absent. even his bestfriend. seriously.
i sit behind him and he stretch his arm to the back. the last one, almost smacked my face.only a few centimetres away. yeah. what the hell.
fellas, one more thing, because of what he's been doing to me, my friends, his friends always tell we'd be a couple. but that won't turn into reality. Let me tell you why.
First, he is my best best friend's ex-boyfriend.
thre's no way i'm gonna go out with him. my friend told me that it will be okay cause i deserve to be happy too, but i said, no i won't cause i know deep inside my bf's heart, she still loves him. even if i fall for him, i won't say a thing. i will ease it!
Second, he got a crush already!
even before he dated my bf, he fall for this girl until now. it has beena long journey for their lve and it's not easy to ease that kind of love.
Third, he hurt me badly.
he call me names, he insult my skn colour and he called me negro (no offense everybody) and it left a scar in my heart. so it is impossible. just so damn impossible. get it?
i got three reasons start with "he and then bla bla bla" so, the problem is with him!
and i dislike that guy.
an immature selfish racist.
hey i'm back to blog again to tell you more about my life.
lately, the love love things really bother me. first, my classmate said that maybe i;m in love with the guy that always annoys me in our class. And some of his fellas said he's into me. But, seriously, annoying your 'target' really not high school's seducing style.
Second, I told my best friend (a girl ofcourse) that i think, having an arranged realationship is okay for me. because it wont be bothering for me to find the love and hope and wait for him to make a move. And suddenly, my annoying brother's pal told me that he wants to introduce me to his brother. And he kinda 'bribe' me with crocs which may be cheap in your place but in my place it worth around Rp 450.000,- or around 45 bucks. His brother seems okay (more than okay actually.) we got the same hobby ( i guess) he likes to read books also novel and from what i heard, i think he is the same like me. We are both a silent little bro and sis from an outgoing brother. Well, it has been around a month since the brother told me he wants to introduce that prince charing who i never met until now. Actually, 2 or i-don't-know weeks ago, when i got home, my mom surprised me with a news. She said, the big bro gonna take me to a mall together with his bro and big bro's fiancee. and all of those sweats and the i-don't know-what to-do smiles came! She said the plan was, going to one famous mall in the weekend. but until the night before the day when the angels will came down and bring my sanity, no one told me a thing. not even the big bro and my own brother. GUESS WHAT?it's just a freakin lie
third, my mom's best friend's child got married and we went to the reception last night. All of my mom's friend, even the groom ( i swear!) said," OH! Sisca, you are so big already!" and the other thing that pisses me off again, almost all of em asked me, where is your boyfriend? I said," I don't have one." guess what did they answered, one same line that i hate,"You are lying." WHAT? I SWEAR TO GOD, I CROSS MY HEART I DIDN'T CROSS MY FINGER,I'M NOT LYING! and what did i say? i only smiled.ha-ha.
just great how love ruled my world.ha-ha.
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